Success Stories
We were asked to assist one of our customers at a very large paper mill with a reoccurring gear failure in one of their dryer sections. Upon arrival our technician performed a brief survey of the running machine; he reviewed the customer collected data, and discovered a loose gear in the section that the customer was not capturing during their routine data collection. The vibration from the loose gear was causing the failing gear to resonate at critical amplitudes. A bump test was performed on a new gear to verify findings. Repairs were made based on our technicians recommendations and the problem was corrected. The combination of several troubleshooting techniques, a comprehensive approach, and a database review saved this customer countless more hours of downtime and profit dollars.
We were asked to assist one of our customers at a large ship building facility with vibration issues onboard a new vessel to be commissioned and sold. Upon arrival our technician met with another PDM contractor who had been trying to diagnose the problem. Our technician performed a full run cycle of the machines in question and began analysis on data collected. After review of the data our technician recommended that the machines lacked structural support and recommended that supports be added in certain locations. Once these supports were added the vibration levels dropped considerably and into acceptable levels. With these repairs in place the ship is now seaworthy and serving as one of the most advanced cargo supply vessels on the planet.