Essential Reliable Manufacturing® Skills & RMIC® Certification
In many organizations we find people in leadership positions that may not have a technical background in Reliability or Reliable Manufacturing®. Formal education programs currently do
little to prepare graduates to make good decisions around reliability in practical world of a modern industrial plant.
A wise man once said that you should “Never ask a question that you don’t have an answer for”…
On the surface that sounds strange, but consider this… If you do not have enough information to formulate any kind of answer then whatever the response given to the question you have to
accept it. If you have enough knowledge to have some kind of answer (right or wrong) at least you will have enough knowledge to be able to open a dialogue and therefore make a much more informed decision.
The purpose of the Essential Reliable Manufacturing® series is to equip those in a leadership position with the practical knowledge and know how to effectively communicate with the many technical people involved in successful reliable manufacturing programs. These people include mechanics and technicians, vendors specialists etc. In addition the series prepares individuals to be passionate advocates of Reliable Manufacturing®. As well as technical knowledge, the 10 course series equips candidates with the tools needed to clearly demonstrate the value Reliable Manufacturing® brings to the organization.
During the 18 month series each course provides carefully crafted technical information aimed at leadership, along with a series of observations and challenges in the form of application assignments. Upon completion of these assignments, each individual will return hundreds of thousands of dollars in
value to the organization.
- Accelerate real-world accomplishment
- Gain practical application and project experience
- Deliver actual, calculated and defensible ROI back to their site
- Earn the prestigious RMIC® Certification
- Anyone who has a role in reliability
- Production leaders, supervisors, managers, lead hands, and engineers
- Maintenance leaders, supervisors, managers, lead hands, and engineers
- Reliability leaders, managers, and engineers
10 classes over an 18 month period. 4.5 days per class
10 classes over an 18 month period 4.5 days per class
Overview of Courses
Click on a course to learn more.
- Introduction to Reliable Manufacturing®
- Foundational Elements
- Effective Condition Monitoring Techniques
- Machine Assembly and Installation
- Component Failure, Identify and Control
- Vibration Analysis and Electrical Condition Monitoring
- Pumps and Pumping Systems
- Asset Care and Operation
- Root Cause Problem Elimination
- Applying Reliable Manufacturing® Principles
- Effective Communication
- Developing Reliability Strategies
- Introduction to work management
- Vibration
- IR
- Ultrasound
- Oil Analysis
- Precision Assembly
- Precision Alignment
- Balance
- Rolling Element Bearings
- Essential Lubrication Skills
- Vibration Analysis
- Electrical Condition Monitoring
- Pumps
- Piping systems
- Sealing Systems
- Fluid Power
- Gearboxes and power transmission devices
- Fans and Blowers
- Compressors
- RCFE Process
- Forensic analysis
Coming Soon!
On average, each Graduate class of 15 graduates demonstrates between $3,500,000 and $6,000,000 in real documented Value. Here are a few success stories.
- A Graduate from a plant in Mississippi used the asset strategy development information in class 1 to perform a systematic, scientific review of their current preventive maintenance programs in different areas of the plant. As a result almost 20,000 maintenance man-hours were removed from the system. These were in the form of redundant or ineffective tasks. Many tasks were reassigned to operations. The value maintenance hours saved hours was over $900,000. The saved hours were then reassigned to precision maintenance work.
- A Graduate from a plant in Georgia used belt drive knowledge gained in course 3 to change how and when maintenance was performed on 18 pieces of belt drive equipment ranging from 30 to 350 HP. This resulted in an immediate and measurable energy savings of $93,000.
- A Graduate from a plant in Oregon used precision maintenance knowledge gained in Course 3 to address 3 critical belt drive exhaust fans. The 150 HP fans were part of a heat recovery system and when down did not directly affect operations. However historical heat recovery system efficiency losses due to the fans being unreliable and down averaged is $800,000 per fan. Total value created $2,400,000!
- A Graduate from a plant in Louisiana used the practical information around hydraulic systems gained in course 7 to re-design some aspects of a critical hydraulic system. The system was notoriously unreliable and had been responsible for over $635,000 in maintenance and downtime in the previous two years. Since the project was complete annual maintenance costs and down-time have been less than $5000.
- Another Graduate from the same plant used lubrication knowledge from course 4 to evaluate a series of chronic coupling failures. The annualized value created from maintenance and operation costs was $750,000.
- A Graduate from a plant in Florida used information from courses 1, 2, and 5 to perform a systematic criticality study and then establish an effective condition monitoring program that demonstrated savings of $1,490,000.
- A Graduate from a plant in Virginia used thermal imaging information acquired in Course 2 to troubleshoot a process related piping problem. Using thermal imaging, an elbow on a process supply line was found to be partially plugged. The effect was to reduce product quality. The annualized value created was $550,000.
- A Graduate from Wisconsin was also in the US army reserves. During the series he applied the learning in precision maintenance to significantly improve the efficiency of the startup of a new production line at his facility. Almost all infant mortality was eliminated by performing a variety precision assembly and alignment techniques. About ¾ of the way through the series the individual was called up and deployed to Iraq. His job there was to maintain his unit’s vehicles. He used information gained in the series to replace the existing PM’s with effective and efficient ones. This changed the culture and the unit went from an average of 48% of vehicles being mission ready to 95% availability in less than 6 months.