Effective Reliability Rounds
As the need for manufacturing output rose, and with improved control technology, the role of the production operator began to change. In many cases production operators no longer have to rove around process equipment in order to make process changes. These advances in automation have had the unintended effect of changing the nature of the production operator’s role with regard to equipment reliability. This course introduces attendees to a scientific and experience based approach to building effective asset “Reliability” condition care rounds, using the Asset Strategy Development (ASD) process.
Attendees will understand the principle of Asset Strategy Development and be prepared to contribute to building effective asset reliability care monitoring rounds. The process identifies failures that have previously occurred and are likely to happen again while reviewing what the consequences of failures will be. Attendees will know the importance and difference between age related and random failures and be prepared to correctly identify and manage both through proper application of either replace on a time basis or correct condition inspection. Attendees will be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the principles of Asset Strategy Development and how application is critical to building effective asset reliability care monitoring rounds while improving production performance. Attendees will be ready to participate in as asset strategy development process and provide meaningful input in the design of asset care reliability monitoring rounds. Attendees are expected to immediately utilize the principles of ASD and begin to suggest improvements to care monitoring rounds upon return to the workforce.
- Age Related vs Random Failures
- Asset Strategy Development
- Identifying the Consequences of Failure
- Well Written Work Request
- Develop a list of Common Failure Modes
- Develop a list of Inspection Task/Frequency
- Field Exercises Walk Down of Process Routes/Reliability Inspection Round
Maintenance work teams, (operations/maintenance coordinators, planners, schedulers, crew leaders, material coordinators, selected mechanics or operators), small project managers, large project managers.
Phase 1 Essential Asset Care
One day of formal training and consulting services as needed to develop routes.
10 classes over an 18 month period 4.5 days per class